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All boots

id Name User Max Sigma Req Lvl Type
1975 Brimstone Shank 1.77 52 Rare
1974 storm blazer light plated boots 3.07 29 Rare
1973 Brimstone stalker -0.17 29 Rare
1972 Fiend Tread -0.19 45 Rare
1971 Plague Blazer 0.67 60 Rare
1970 blood spur chain boots 1.58 52 Rare
1969 Gale Spur Sharkskin Boots -1.67 37 Rare
1968 Glyph Trample -0.17 24 Rare
1967 Carrion Spur Light Plated Boots -1.09 38 Rare
1966 Hailstone Tread jackary 2.68 38 Rare